Andre LaVelle
Gray Fox.
PCW Fitness
The PCW programs are based on a system of beliefs pertaining to fitness and weight loss as a lifestyle change. That being, we don't believe in fad diets, counting calories, weight scales, massive amounts of barbells and fitness equipment, or pricey gym memberships that never get used. Our philosophy is simple yet effective, it is based on modifying and perceptions. Making changes that hit the triad of mind, body and spirit as it pertains to over-all conditioning, strength and maintenance.
Monday - Wednesday - Friday
6:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
On Request

PCW Fitness
The PCW programs are based on a system of beliefs pertaining to fitness and weight loss as a lifestyle change. That being said, we don't believe in fad diets, counting calories, weight scales, massive amounts of barbells and fitness equipment, or pricey gym memberships that never get used. We will tailor a program specific to your individual needs.
Our philosophy is simple yet effective; it is based on modifying and perceptions.
Making changes that hit the triad of mind, body, and spirit as it pertains to over-all conditioning, strength, and maintenance. If modifications are needed throughout the training process and continued enhancements, they will be adapted into your individual workout program.
Alter the perception of the mind; this begins the process that will assist in making the right decisions for a positive outcome in your health and body shaping goals.
Achieving goals and
living life optimistically is a definite path toward spiritual uplifting and personal gratification.
These three simple rules are the base philosophy, and like the philosophy our system of training, though varied, work within a system of three as well.
Upper body
Core or center
Lower body
Enjoy one-on-one sessions designed to optimize your results and minimize your training time. It doesn't take hours in the gym to have a good work out. Each session incorporates a wide range of body shaping and conditioning exercises working within our triad system of training. We have personalized training, in-home, your gym, outdoor locations, or at one of our PCW indoor locations.
One on one undivided training. The first thing that will need to happen is a consultation. After this takes place we will discuss what goal you would like to achieve. Once goal is in place, an individual training program will be created for you and your lifestyle transformation will begin.

boot camp
PCW Fitness
Ask yourself: What are your priorities and obligations? Have you been applying yourself or the proper techniques to adequately accomplish these goals? Successful transition can only come with commitment, responsibility, and honest self-evaluation and should be viewed as an enjoyable journey not a destination.
Think of it as a road trip filled with adventure and scenic beauty. PCW is the road map that guides your path, but the success or failure in your journey depends upon your perception of the situation. Alter your perception and accomplish your goals. There are two types of people: Those who think about it, and those who get it done!
We offer no quick fixes, gimmicks or fancy equipment…only hard working and committed teammates that desire a leaner look and healthier lifestyle, who want it just as much if not more than you do. We are PCW, "Pit Crew Warrior", and failure is not an option! We train hard to get results, to live a productive life, and to know without a doubt we will achieve our goals. Anything worth having takes time, investment, and commitment! We may want a college education, a rewarding job promotion, a strong, loving relationship, raising a well-rounded child…so why not have that same drive and commitment about your health? Should living a healthy lifestyle be any different? It's an education you can't afford to overlook because understanding and committing to it will inevitably lead to potential success in all the aforementioned areas. If you can give forty hours a week to an employer, then why can't you treat yourself to three hours a week for self-improvement that could extend your life? Aren't you worth it?
Our training program goes beyond physical conditioning as we use our body temple as a metaphor for controlling and succeeding in all aspects of our daily lives. Time management, organization, communication, confidence, security, friendships, nutrition, food preparation, positive thinking, and more... Come join the family and together we will grow in a network of abundance and prosperity plus a stronger healthier body. Equipment required: Jump rope, Dumbbells, yoga mat, water bottle, mouth guard, (men) groin cup protector, sparring gloves, PCW T-Shirt, note pad. PCW Ts are $20 and take 2 weeks for delivery

boot camp
PCW Fitness
Creating a fit lifestyle is about constantly evolving, seeking new challenges, setting new goals, and exploring opportunities for adventure. PCWFit understands and takes you beyond the confines of traditional exercises and taps into the beauty of nature and its array of physically challenging obstacles to push and inspire you to reach new heights, from sandy beaches to mountainous terrains. This is "Adventure Bootcamp".
Exploring a variety of scenic California locations perfectly suited for the various physical tasks providing a unique, visual stimulating and inspirational workout experience.
Fryman Canyon Park
Runyon Canyon
Culver City Stairs
Marina del Rey beach
Santa Monica Step
Pasadena Rose Bowl
The Observatory
Angeles Forest
Elysian Park
Vasquez Rocks at Aqua Dulce
Hollywood Sign
Big Santa Anita
Trippet Ranch
Corona del Ma
El Matador State Beach
Escondido Falls/Canyon Trails

self defense
PCW Fitness
We would all like to live in a world of peace and unconditional love but the reality of our existence throughout history has been one of hostility and violence. So we must continue to evolve emotionally, physically, and mentally expanding our knowledge and abilities to deal with the various threats and adverse situations we may inadvertently encounter.
The thought of being accosted or having to face the potential for physical violence is the reality of the world we live in. Kidnapping, car-jacking, robbery, rape, assault, murder, and domestic violence flood the news media. The code of ethics by today's criminal is null. Women, children, the elderly have all become targets. It is with this in mind that we have developed the PCW boot camp training method. We all appreciate fitness training for a variety of reasons: strength, health, body image, weight loss, conditioning, etc. But how often do we consider the potential of having to face our deepest fears? What would you do? What can you do? What should you do?
Training that goes beyond the physical, that taps into the base of survival tactics, which strengthens the mind, body, and spirit... Our training is not built upon a system but a thought process that allows for adaptation and growth as each individual gradually learns the practical principles and objectives of combat and combative arts. Self-defense is an instinctive reaction that can be adapted into a fine tuned, highly effective response to confrontation. Self-defense has become not only an art form but a sport as well. PCW training is neither for sport or art, but a way of life that will assist in developing and maintaining not only a fit and healthy body, but prepare you for the unpredictability of a violent and economically-challenged society. PCW training is like insurance. It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it!
One on one undivided training. The first thing that will need to happen is a consultation. After this takes place we will discuss what goal you would like to achieve. Once goal is in place, an individual training program will be created for you and your lifestyle transformation will begin.

PCW Fit Lifestyle Adventure Bootcamp

PCW Fit Lifestyle Group Bootcamp

PCW Fit Lifestyle

PCW Fit Lifestyle
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